Originally, a successful award-winning science fiction manga by Yuki Masami, "Patlabor"
spawned 3 anime movies, anime series, two OVA series, three-part series
of short films and two light-novels. Set in future Japan, police
officers are now able to use highly advanced robots, "Patrol Labors", to
go against criminals who have their own combat machinery. Now it will
also be adapted into a live-action.
The first announcement about the upcoming project was made during Tokyo International Anime Fair back in March. So far little is known about it apart from Tohokushinsha Film Corporation being in charge, and it looks like legendary filmmaker Oshii Mamoru will take the director's helm. He previously directed all "Patlabor" movies/anime series, "The Sky Crawlers", "Ghost in the Shell" among his other notable works.
New promotional poster for the project was revealed at the Taiwan International Comic Exhibition in Taipei. And it's nothing short of spectacular. One can only imagine the scale of the future live-action. And while we all imagine, let us enjoy this fantastic teaser.
pictures courtesy of patlabor-nextgeneration
Reblog&Credit: JpopAsia
The first announcement about the upcoming project was made during Tokyo International Anime Fair back in March. So far little is known about it apart from Tohokushinsha Film Corporation being in charge, and it looks like legendary filmmaker Oshii Mamoru will take the director's helm. He previously directed all "Patlabor" movies/anime series, "The Sky Crawlers", "Ghost in the Shell" among his other notable works.
New promotional poster for the project was revealed at the Taiwan International Comic Exhibition in Taipei. And it's nothing short of spectacular. One can only imagine the scale of the future live-action. And while we all imagine, let us enjoy this fantastic teaser.
pictures courtesy of patlabor-nextgeneration
Reblog&Credit: JpopAsia
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